Middle School

Middle School

The department works as an independent unit that interacts with the rest of the departments as a team aiming to achieve the balanced growth of our students for the sake of a good citizen belonging to his country and his Arab nation.
This section includes grades seven through nine.
The department includes among its wings scientific halls and laboratories equipped with the latest educational devices and means that contribute to achieving scientific and educational goals.
In order to achieve the school's philosophy and concern for students, the administration intends to establish a counseling department that contributes to improving the mental health of students in an atmosphere free of complications to help them overcome difficulties, especially among students in this section in the stage of adolescence.
And the need to take care of them and follow them in order to create a strong generation capable of growth and advancement in building Libya.
The department participates in many diverse activities, including sports and culture, as well as charitable and social events.
This department is administered by a group of qualified administrators and teachers, which is aware of the students' needs and is based on overcoming the difficulties facing them in the hope of bringing them to safety.

Stay In Touch With Us

School Address

3 Jebal Tariq St. off El Mahad El Sehi Street El Fowaihat (Belaon)

Benghazi, Libya

Work Hours

from Saturday to Thursday
8.00am – 2.00pm

Children’s World School

A National Educational and Educational School.
It Strives Towards Total Quality in The inputs and Outputs of the Educational System.

Design and programming sakik net ..

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